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Un forum pour vous exercer à parler anglais!
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7 participants
On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 43
Ville : Down here by the bay
Emploi ou classe : Why would you want to know that?
Loisirs : Music, Ice cream, Chocolate, Sushis
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Please allow me to introduce myself...   Please allow me to introduce myself... Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 1:05

Hey everybody!

My dear Kirika told me about this brand new discussion board and i like the idea of using my almost buried English to talk with all of you.

Let's come to the point : My nick name is Daria (guess why? ^^), I'm 25 and I live next to Paris. I've always loved English as I'm a huge fan of anglophone music (mostly rock and some pop stuff too) and I can't stand the idea of listening and singing words I don't understand. Therefore I had to learn English!

That's how I learnt to understand and speak English with MTV. The school I was in when I was 7 allowed me to take some early extra English lessons and I've always been asked by my English teacher in high school this famous question: "Je me demandais... vous êtes américaine?"

Kirika is my eye witness!!!

It's been a few years since I haven't practiced my English and I'll be glad to give it a second birth.

See you soon! (I'll stop here otherwise I'll spend my whole night writing...)

PS : I chose the boss level refering to my former level. I'm not bilingual...
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Nombre de messages : 45
Age : 36
Ville : where you think i'm not
Emploi ou classe : dreamer...
Loisirs : dreaming,dancing,writing,reading
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Please allow me to introduce myself...   Please allow me to introduce myself... Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 5:29

Nice to meet you ^^ i'm Ama, lol, Amarilys...
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L'anglais et moi, c'est une longue amitié! lol

Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 41
Ville : Rennes
Emploi ou classe : Pharmacy student
Loisirs : too much to tell here :p
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Please allow me to introduce myself...   Please allow me to introduce myself... Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 9:17

Hello Daria! Nice to meet you too! Wink

Thanks to you, I'll have Daria's opening song melody in my head all the day... lol!
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 52
Age : 43
Ville : ~°*In My Sweetheart's Arms*°~
Emploi ou classe : Master 2 de droit
Loisirs : Mangas among a lots !!!
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Please allow me to introduce myself...   Please allow me to introduce myself... Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 10:21

Hello my Daria !!! Glad to see you here with me ! Razz

And yes ! I've witnessed thsi teacher asking her the question ! But after all it's normal ! Your English is excellent ! And knowing the teacher (I've had him 3 years in a row and had him congratulating me to the embarassment ! Embarassed ), he couldn't have missed the fluent English ! affraid

Enjoy your time here ! Wink
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Please allow me to introduce myself... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Please allow me to introduce myself...   Please allow me to introduce myself... Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 10:25

I'm please to meet you, won't you guess my name?
Perversing you is the nature of my game....

As always, You rock Daria!
Glad to have you here!

(notice: my two first sentences are from the rolling stone's "Sympathy for the devil", whose firts sentence is "Please allow me to introduce myself" Wink )
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 67
Age : 44
Ville : Boulogne
Emploi ou classe : Licence
Loisirs : Mangas, danse, tir à l'arc, amis
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Please allow me to introduce myself...   Please allow me to introduce myself... Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 12:30

Dariaaaaaaaaa, my lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Very Happy

Yes I have two lovely here, Kirika and Daria Wink

Welcome on board cheers
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 44
Ville : Paris
Emploi ou classe : Tourisme
Loisirs : Mangas/jeux vidéos/restau/ciné
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Please allow me to introduce myself...   Please allow me to introduce myself... Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 12:32

Welcome Daria ^^
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 43
Ville : Down here by the bay
Emploi ou classe : Why would you want to know that?
Loisirs : Music, Ice cream, Chocolate, Sushis
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Please allow me to introduce myself...   Please allow me to introduce myself... Icon_minitimeMer 13 Sep - 22:48

Thanx to everyone!

Lahaarl> You are the one who found out about the title. You are the one who rocks!
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