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6 participants
Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 44
Ville : Paris
Emploi ou classe : Tourisme
Loisirs : Mangas/jeux vidéos/restau/ciné
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 19:55

So... What do you think of talking here about our differents travels, which countries we love, and why?
Speak English suppose an international way to think... If you never had the chance to travel a lot, don't hesitate to tell us which country you'd prefer visit as soon as possible. (I don't know if my sentence is correct ahem pale please Lahaarl don't kick me lol)

So... my experience? As my father worked in tourism so many years, I've had the chance to travel a lot since I was a child...
I've gone to:
- Morocco. 3 times I think.. but I don't really like this country... I don't really know why but I'm not feel good over there. However, gastronomy is really really good Smile
- Tunisia: almost the same feeling than Morocco.
- Ireland, 3 times: People very very sympathetic, many sorts of beers héhé, lots of young people from many different countries. Very beautyfull landscapes... December's lighting is special... From dawn's light to sunset's light, directly, without a real daylight... Great for photography ^^
- Quebec: very funny trip, I felt very good there because of the soul of the country... It's very important for me. And people were adorable! Very very good gastronomy MIAM
- United States: East Coast, for New York to Philadelphia. Interesting, but I don't feel the soul of the country... No ancient civilization, except The Indians but we don't see it in american current way of life... Gastronomy was very bad. I was very disappointed... But I'd want to go there another time, one day, to visit Texas.. all the southe, and the middle too. I think I will prefer, with the big spaces and nature...
- Mexico 2 times: yeeaaaaaaaaaah !! my favorite country ! I love all there. Gadstronomy, people, landscape, civilization, history, art, way of life (so cool minded...)... One day, when I'll win at Euromillions, I will build my sweet home near Oaxaca or San Cristobàl ^^
- China: Impressing... Temples, arts, craft industry... all that was fabulous ! People... ahem they don't like us and we can see it lol, except my little sister, they always wanted to take photo with her because she's white with very blue eyes and they don't know this... lol
Many many people, a way of life very special, gastronomy.. ugh, it's so far from our asian restaurants in Paris ! Vegetables, soups, rice... I didn't like to eat there and lost 5 kg in 10 days ! lol
- Cambodia: people were adorable, they love french people and old guys often speak french. Gastronomy was very good, temples are impressiing, really.. and so beautifull... Great soul too ^^
- Malaysia: only few days in Kuala Lumpur and on Langkawi Island... Sympathetic, no more. Food was very spicy... ugh
- Norway: only 3 days but marvellous stay ^^. Fjords are fabulous, people were cold at first sight, but welcoming. Way of life very interesting. I really want to come back there another time and visit all the country until Barrents Sea ^^

I think it's OK... if I realize I've forgotten one, I'd post one more time Smile
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 67
Age : 44
Ville : Boulogne
Emploi ou classe : Licence
Loisirs : Mangas, danse, tir à l'arc, amis
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Sep - 20:50

Good idea Miaka ^^

I follow you Wink

Tunisia : my first trip in another country, but it makes a long time I don't remember very well ^^;

Germany : 2 times for learn german ^^ The first was very funy : pool all the afternoon lol

Austria : one time, it's a very beautifull country. And we find some people who speak french :p

Guadeloupe : it's in France, but it's a trip... It's a beautiful island and I love the "parc des mamelles" like all zoo Laughing

Egypt : temples are very impressive ... And the Nex Year's day on the noat ... rendeer

Greece : 2 times on the continent and one time on the island : I love this country and I think one day i return here ^^

Crete: one time: like Greece ^^

Japan : one time : no comment... I come back here one day too XD

Ireland : 2 times : what beautiful country I like him and peoples are very nice ^^ Miaka, I like Harp and Kilkenny like beer Wink

Cyprus : 2 times in the same year O_o It was very funny ^^

India : that's a poor country, but like Egypt there is beautiful monuments. It was a dream for me to go here one day and I come back another time if I can but I visit another places ^^

United States : San Francisco : I'm falling in love whith this city (the only one I visited)

And for week end : Amsterdam, Bruges and London (beautifull cities)

I think that's all lol

Sorry for the grammar and other, but I'm bad in english ^^;
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 44
Ville : Paris
Emploi ou classe : Tourisme
Loisirs : Mangas/jeux vidéos/restau/ciné
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeVen 8 Sep - 0:08

Great Naka ! Thanks for your participation ^^

So you've already gone to Japan.... You have a lot of chance !!
You talk about Greece... Well I've forgotten it ! God...
Well i've visited Greece too... "Péloponèse" and one island, ugh I don't remember the exact name... Tinos? Yes it's Tinos ^^. Greece is a veru beautifull country, a lot of history, and the country of Seiyaaaaaa !! Yeah
Tinos is a sweet island... with desert and white small villages, so prettyyy, so calm.... aaaah... Great holidays there !
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 52
Age : 43
Ville : ~°*In My Sweetheart's Arms*°~
Emploi ou classe : Master 2 de droit
Loisirs : Mangas among a lots !!!
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeVen 8 Sep - 14:47

For my part, I've been to :

- Vietnam : three times. Great experience, I've met some of my family who are still there.

- USA ( New York : once; San Francisco / Santa Clara / San José : twice; Hollywood / Los Angeles : once ) : I'll definitely come back ! Very Happy

- Tortoreto Lido (Italy) and Roma : once for a one week... Not long enough to discover everything !

- London : once for a week-end !

- Peñiscola (Spain) : once and nice memories !
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L'anglais et moi, c'est une longue amitié! lol

Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 41
Ville : Rennes
Emploi ou classe : Pharmacy student
Loisirs : too much to tell here :p
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeVen 8 Sep - 19:14

Thanks to my parents (who can't stand staying in the same place during their holidays), I've traveled a lot, mostly in Europe :

Norway > On one hand, the country is full of legends, mainly talking about trolls (near the roads, you can see piles of stones which are said to be trolls who didn't pay attention to the rise of the sun and transform into this), on the other hand, this country is very clean, like a Disneyland parc ^^; : the famous scandinavian way of life.

Denmark, Copenhagen > the only things I remember from this are the Little Mermaid (well... very very little mermaid actually) and an awesome amusement park.

Belgium - Holland- Luxemburg



USA > California+Las Vegas :
Like Naka, I loved San Fransisco city. I wouldn't mind living there Wink. All seems to be bigger in the USA but there were less big building than what I thought (according to what the TV shows) . The Landscapes near the Grand Canyon (and the Grand Canyon itself) are simply marvelous.

Ireland >
I went there with my family once and twice with my class. Irish people are very welcoming. The only thing I can't stand there is to drink Guiness...

United Kingdom = England/Wales/Scotland
> I didn't see Nessie Sad

Italy > Every time we had the occasion, we would taste italian ice creams and coffees (Don't go on a diet BEFORE going to Italy, it would be no use). My strongest souvenir of this country is the visit of Pompei. It was 7.00 pm, sunset so the light was beautiful, and there were few visitors : It was as if the city was all mine!


Germany > Munich > The House of beer
^^ No comment Shocked


Czech Republic

That's all with my parents.

I've also been to
Turkey (the country, not the animal, hahaha Very Happy ), Egypt, Russia (Moscou and St Petersburg) and Lousinia with my parents+my grandparents+my uncle and is family which makes eleven persons from the same family traveling together. This makes great souvenirs and lots of anecdotes when we meet.
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 67
Age : 44
Ville : Boulogne
Emploi ou classe : Licence
Loisirs : Mangas, danse, tir à l'arc, amis
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeVen 8 Sep - 19:43

Oh thanks Ami, I forgot Turquey ^^; But it was only one week and the wether was very hot ...
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L'anglais et moi, c'est une longue amitié! lol

Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 41
Ville : Rennes
Emploi ou classe : Pharmacy student
Loisirs : too much to tell here :p
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeVen 8 Sep - 20:02

You're welcome Naka ^^

I went there only one week too but we traveled a lot during this time so that we could see a maximum of Turkey's aspects (from Istanbul to Ankara). Sometimes we had 500km to do to go from a visiting point to another ^^;. It was a bit tiring but very interesting.
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J'ai tout juste les bases en anglais^^

Nombre de messages : 7
Age : 34
Ville : Villemeux
Emploi ou classe : 1ere STI A.A.
Loisirs : To draw, to take photos :)
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeSam 9 Sep - 14:25

hum... you've traveled a lot of country...
I've visited Chinise, like my sister, and Morocco too.
Well... what else... ah yes, I've seen Bali, in indonesia, and Canada when I was eight i think...
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeLun 11 Sep - 10:53

Egypt: Stones, stones and many old stones. Surprising country i'd like to discover on my own and not with 60 years old folks... (I was 13...)

Spain: Just an afternoon with some camping drunkbags to buy cheaper Ricard. (I was 8...)

England: East sussex, I was 13 for the school trip. Nice week but I wish I could go on my own (My english improved since then..)

Paris, the metro: Several stations, the best way to see the world in a single day.
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 67
Age : 44
Ville : Boulogne
Emploi ou classe : Licence
Loisirs : Mangas, danse, tir à l'arc, amis
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeLun 11 Sep - 20:59

Lahaarl a écrit:

Spain: Just an afternoon with some camping drunkbags to buy cheaper Ricard. (I was 8...)

If you take like this (T_T)

Spain : one afternoon
Andorra : one afternoon too : shopiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Very Happy
Italy : 3 times for one afternoon

Oups I have forgot (?) Sicilia : one week, but I don't like italians people... They are so ... macho.
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L'anglais et moi, c'est une longue amitié! lol

Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 41
Ville : Rennes
Emploi ou classe : Pharmacy student
Loisirs : too much to tell here :p
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeLun 11 Sep - 21:35

Nakamura a écrit:
Oups I have forgot (?) Sicilia : one week, but I don't like italians people... They are so ... macho.
Yes but lots of them are handsome too... Razz
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Trip Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitimeMar 12 Sep - 10:27

Nakamura a écrit:
Oups I have forgot (?)

I forgot.
Use preterit here. Present past is to be used when there's an idea of lenght (a period of time) connected to the present time. Here the reference of "forget" is your post, that is to say a single point in the past, with no link to the moment you're talking.
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MessageSujet: Re: Trip   Trip Icon_minitime

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