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 Tell me your dreams....

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3 participants
Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 44
Ville : Paris
Emploi ou classe : Tourisme
Loisirs : Mangas/jeux vidéos/restau/ciné
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeJeu 14 Sep - 13:48

I create this topic in order to learn more about all of you ^^, and I’m very interested by your dreams….
So, have you ever dreamt you are flying in the blue sly?
Have you ever dreamt a big spider ran after you?
That is for the night’s dream…
But let’s talk about your day’s dreams too:
Which is your bigger wish? For you, and for the ones that you love, and for all the humanity? (3 separate answers ^^)

It’s a large topic, we can tell very many things about…. Isn’t it a good idea? Let’s talk !
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeJeu 14 Sep - 15:49

Miaka a écrit:
I create this topic in order to learn more about all of you ^^, and I’m very interested by your dreams….
So, have you ever dreamt you are flying in the blue sly?
Have you ever dreamt a big spider ran after you?
That is for the night’s dream…
But let’s talk about your day’s dreams too:
Which is your bigger wish? For you, and for the ones that you love, and for all the humanity? (3 separate answers ^^)

It’s a large topic, we can tell very many things about…. Isn’t it a good idea? Let’s talk !

I created this topic in order [...] I'm interested in your dreams.
A big spider is running after you
What is your greatest/dearest wish? (Which implies a choice between this and that...)
We can tell many many things
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 44
Ville : Paris
Emploi ou classe : Tourisme
Loisirs : Mangas/jeux vidéos/restau/ciné
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeJeu 14 Sep - 19:31

Thanks Lahaarl ^^ So now, tell us your dreams lol
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L'anglais et moi, c'est une longue amitié! lol

Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 41
Ville : Rennes
Emploi ou classe : Pharmacy student
Loisirs : too much to tell here :p
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeVen 15 Sep - 19:39

I've had a time when I often dreamed of people dying violently (one of my cousins, my boyfriend or people that I didn't physically knew but I assimilated as people I know or myself) ^^;
Once, it was so frigthening that I called my boydriend very early in the morning to be sure that he was alive. Sad

Well don't worry... I have more cheerful dreams too Razz but I would like to know the meaning of these above all.

Last year I also had a period when I dreamed of 2 friends of mine, then me, being pregnant... O.o
It's very funny to see that my dreams are very "homogeneous" on given periods Shocked (Every morning my friends would ask me "So? Who was pregnant last night??? Who's next?" Happily I didn't dream of every girl I know with a baby)

Lots of people tell me that they don't remember their dreams when they wake up. That's a shame because sometimes they are sooo weird that it is very entertaining to try to remember and tell them.
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 44
Ville : Paris
Emploi ou classe : Tourisme
Loisirs : Mangas/jeux vidéos/restau/ciné
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeMar 26 Sep - 11:26

sure !
I used to dream of pregnancy too... it was when my most important wish was to have a child, and a family ... This period is over, now I feel better alone, so my dreams are so differents... Last night I dreamt I was in a luxurious hotel but I assimilated it to a prison... so me and my friends tried to escape, it was very funny... (it seems that I watch too much Prison Break lol). At the end of the dream we were on small quick boats and arrived on a marvellous island.... mmm (Lost? mdr)
Conclusion: don't sleep in front of your TV, Miaka.... Laughing and perhaps you need holidays Wink (sea, sun, hotel....)

Dernière édition par le Mar 26 Sep - 14:59, édité 2 fois
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeMar 26 Sep - 11:34

This period is over
me and my friends
I assimilated it to a prison/It was like a prison for me
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 44
Ville : Paris
Emploi ou classe : Tourisme
Loisirs : Mangas/jeux vidéos/restau/ciné
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeMar 26 Sep - 15:00

Many thanks, Lahaarl ^^
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Sep - 13:18

You're welcome
I have very few dreams actually... perhaphs the most important is to see my dearest ones happy and to be part of it...
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L'anglais et moi, c'est une longue amitié! lol

Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 41
Ville : Rennes
Emploi ou classe : Pharmacy student
Loisirs : too much to tell here :p
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Sep - 20:40

Here is my last dream (last night actually :p ):
I won't tell you about the whole dream because it invloves people that you don't know and it would very complicated to explain but there's a detail I found funny.

Imagine a big shop which sells hand made products : wooden-made objects, decorative stuff and... hand-cooked mikados...
They looked so good that I couldn't help buying 3 packs of them.
The weirder thing is that I seemed to find normal to pay 14,10 euros for them Shocked I remember the amount because in my dream I saw myself paying by cheque.

Well... I think I must admit it : I'm addicted to mikado and my body reminds me that it have not eaten some for a very long time Laughing
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitimeVen 29 Sep - 12:55

amikacyne a écrit:

The weirder thing is
Weirdest. Here you have to use a superlative not a comparative (there is no referent to compare to)
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Tell me your dreams.... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tell me your dreams....   Tell me your dreams.... Icon_minitime

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Tell me your dreams....
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