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 TV shows that you like~

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7 participants

Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 35
Ville : singapore
Emploi ou classe : student
Loisirs : watching tv, chatting on the net
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeLun 16 Oct - 22:15

hey guys its me again!! Very Happy

So tell me more about your favourite TV shows?? i will tell you if you tell me~ heh:D
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 67
Age : 44
Ville : Boulogne
Emploi ou classe : Licence
Loisirs : Mangas, danse, tir à l'arc, amis
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMar 17 Oct - 10:21

Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmed cheers

I can't forgot to see an (episode ?)
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Je suis débutant alors soyez sympa!

Nombre de messages : 10
Age : 45
Ville : underwater
Emploi ou classe : L'un des pires au monde
Loisirs : PS2 !!!!!
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMar 17 Oct - 12:30

The best show Tv... euh.... it's more a TV serie.
NCIS, before Kate Died... or 24h.

Like Naka, I like Charmed, but it isn't my favorit.
For exemple, this week end j'ai enregistré ceux qui sont diffusés Saturday.
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Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 35
Ville : singapore
Emploi ou classe : student
Loisirs : watching tv, chatting on the net
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMar 17 Oct - 14:29

oh awesome!! Very Happy

I like charmed too Smile the wizard boy in it is cute, the boy is piper's son rite? he is a white lighter!! lol but i think the bad guys in the show wears much cooler cloths then the good guys~ Rolling Eyes

Wow, Aelya i watches NCIS too~ but kate died there? Suspect over here shes still alive, Shocked oh my god!! lol thats aweful, she was really helpful to the team and all rite? oh well, lets just hope she rest in peace~ Neutral

i watch other shows as well, like grey's anatomy, FRIENDS(Its really awesome i have the whole 10seasons in dvd, lol cool?) and i like funny shows too Smile i hope more people would tell me about what they like~ Rolling Eyes thanks!! Very Happy
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Je me débrouille bien en anglais!

Nombre de messages : 78
Age : 44
Ville : Paris
Emploi ou classe : Tourisme
Loisirs : Mangas/jeux vidéos/restau/ciné
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMar 17 Oct - 19:58

At this time I really like Prison Break. And Grey's Anatomy. And Smallville. And Lost. oO in fact I love a lot of series
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Nombre de messages : 11
Age : 35
Ville : near Rennes
Emploi ou classe : student
Loisirs : so much !!!! lol
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMar 17 Oct - 20:28

Well me too i love a lot of series !! lol but the series i prefer its grey's anatomy !!!! =D its a very cool serie (and the actors too Wink ) but i watch too NCIS, Charmed (sometimes) , prison break and friends (its a good serie Very Happy )
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L'anglais et moi, c'est une longue amitié! lol

Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 41
Ville : Rennes
Emploi ou classe : Pharmacy student
Loisirs : too much to tell here :p
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMer 18 Oct - 17:12

My favourite TV show is Grey's Anatomy. I'm fond of it and particularly the cute Dr Derek Shepperd Embarassed (well...the vet's also nice... and Mark too... drunken ). It's funny to see how much I like this show whereas I've never appreciated "Urgences" (what is the original title?) which talks about the same subject...
Every week I wait for the most recent episode to be available on the net... and I'm not patient enough to wait for english or french subtitles so it's a bit difficult to understand all the dialogs but I manage to understand the general idea.

As for the other TV shows, the only one which I can pretty much regularly follow is Lost. The beginning of the third season simply is awesome!!!
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Nombre de messages : 11
Age : 35
Ville : near Rennes
Emploi ou classe : student
Loisirs : so much !!!! lol
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMer 18 Oct - 18:00

I think its "Emergency" the right tittle but i'm not sure :s me i liked but now that Doctor Carter is gone the serie is ... empty lol so now i prefer watching Grey's anatomy hehe
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Je suis débutant alors soyez sympa!

Nombre de messages : 10
Age : 45
Ville : underwater
Emploi ou classe : L'un des pires au monde
Loisirs : PS2 !!!!!
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMer 18 Oct - 18:39

Oups... sorry LordJackieo... But it's always a good serie.

I saw Scrub too... It's funny. But I missed many episode.
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Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 35
Ville : singapore
Emploi ou classe : student
Loisirs : watching tv, chatting on the net
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMer 18 Oct - 22:07

Wow thats awesome i never thought that there would be so much fans of Grey's anatomy.

so amikacyne you trying to get the same doctor as Grey? Wink and he is also married Evil or Very Mad and yeah i download the show's episode off the internet too because i cant catch them on tv~ No

well i really would love to watch alot of series too and i love T.V ever since i was old enough to watch tv, i was spending time in front of it. Well if you guys want to learn english, thats the best way to learn and that how i did it. Well of cause after watching and learning we have to make use this kind of forum so that our english improves too.

My english is not perfect, so i am still learning

Very Happy
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Oct - 17:23

Aélya a écrit:
The best show Tv... euh.... it's more a TV serie.
NCIS, before Kate Died... or 24h.

Like Naka, I like Charmed, but it isn't my favorit.
For exemple, this week end j'ai enregistré ceux qui sont diffusés Saturday.

I recorded the episode that were aired

Naka: yep, it's episode. Americans use most of the time "show".
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Nombre de messages : 11
Age : 35
Ville : near Rennes
Emploi ou classe : student
Loisirs : so much !!!! lol
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Oct - 20:00

Yes it's the best way to learn english but it's very diffcult to understand what they say !!! Shocked
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeVen 20 Oct - 15:27

Try to read lips and not subtitles. The ultimate test is an episode of the Simpson's. As they speak slang it's pretty difficult at first, and you can't read lips on them ^^
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Nombre de messages : 6
Age : 35
Ville : singapore
Emploi ou classe : student
Loisirs : watching tv, chatting on the net
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeDim 22 Oct - 22:13

lol Laughing Lahaarl you like the simpson?? I love that show! cheers
which one of the simpsons do you like? I like Homer~ lol i think thats how u spell his name.
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Nombre de messages : 11
Age : 35
Ville : near Rennes
Emploi ou classe : student
Loisirs : so much !!!! lol
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMar 24 Oct - 10:39

i like the simpsons too !! and my favourite is maggie !! she never says something !!! and thats good me i think its funny lol Smile Wink
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On m'a souvent demandé si j'étais anglais!

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 44
Ville : The Netherworld
Emploi ou classe : Taxateur
Loisirs : So many you don't wanna know...
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMar 24 Oct - 16:36

LordJackieo a écrit:
lol Laughing Lahaarl you like the simpson?? I love that show! cheers
which one of the simpsons do you like? I like Homer~ lol i think thats how u spell his name.

Please use full written words. We're here to improve, how can we work on it if you start writting like gangsta rap? no U, 4 etc please.

Sae: there's one episode in which Maggie says her firts word. Guess what? It's "bart"
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Nombre de messages : 11
Age : 35
Ville : near Rennes
Emploi ou classe : student
Loisirs : so much !!!! lol
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2006

TV shows that you like~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitimeMar 24 Oct - 20:23

lol i never saw this episode Sad i hope that someday i will Smile (it would be really funny)
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MessageSujet: Re: TV shows that you like~   TV shows that you like~ Icon_minitime

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